3 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Impact Digital Marketing in 2019

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Not long ago, artificial intelligence (AI) might have sounded like a technology that could only exist in science fiction novels and films. However, in the last few years, AI has become a reality that more and more companies are adopting to enhance their business.
Before we discuss how artificial intelligence is changing digital marketing and how that can benefit you, let’s review the basics. What is artificial intelligence? Put simply, artificial intelligence is branch of computer science focused on creating intelligent machines that can think and respond in ways similar to humans.
Artificial intelligence is being used in various industries, including online business and marketing. Here are three ways AI is impacting digital marketing:

  1. Voice searches – If you’ve spoken to Apple’s Siri, Google Home, Amazon Echo, or Microsoft’s Cortana to create an online search, you’ve used AI. These voice search features use artificial intelligence to interpret your query and provide you with the best possible results. Chances are, when you speak to these digital assistants, you use natural language sentences, rather than a list of keywords. Google reported in 2017 that nearly 70 percent of the searches it receives are expressed in “natural conversation,” rather than typical keyword queries as would be typed into a search bar.

Because these digital assistants are becoming smarter and are better understanding users’ questions, they are giving better results in response. This means that your website needs to answer the questions that users are asking. Gone are the days of “keyword stuffing,” when all you needed to do for your website to perform well in search engine rankings was fill your content and the backend of your website with strings of keywords. Useful, relevant content is the key to doing well in voice searches.

  1. Audience targeting – Artificial intelligence can be leveraged to collect and analyze data about users’ online habits, ensuring that users who are most likely to need your services and take action are shown your ads. For example, Google Ads uses AI to target in-market audiences. If you have a hearing practice, you can choose to increase your ad reach within specific in-market audiences, such as people who have already searched for phrases like, “audiologist near me,” or “hearing aid services.”

AI can also help target audiences by testing out your ads with various audiences. In fact, AI can test your ad with hundreds of audiences in a single day, tracking how effective your ad is in each audience. This allows you to target the specific audience that is most likely to click on your ad and take action in acquiring your services.

  1. Content creation – Did you know that many high-level news sources like the Associated Press, Forbes, and BBC are already using AI to create content? This type of AI collects data and turns it into reports and articles. It’s predicted that 2019 will see artificial intelligence being used for content creation in more diverse fields. AI creates unique content that can be used to supplement your existing website content to provide more information to website visitors.

Artificial intelligence can also curate content, recommending relevant content based on users’ data and online habits. For example, if a patient reads your website’s blog, AI can be used to suggest other blog articles on similar topics that may be helpful to the reader.
AI might sound like a technology of the future, but it’s already impacting digital marketing in a big way. To learn more about artificial intelligence and how you can get ahead of the changes coming to digital marketing in 2019, please contact us at AudiologyPlus today.

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