The Importance of a Personalized Website

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Have you ever received a thank-you card with a message that was obviously generic? Perhaps the sender didn’t address it to you by name, or they didn’t mention what exactly they were thanking you for. This generic thank-you card probably left you feeling dissatisfied.
By contrast, think of a personalized thank-you card you’ve received. The sender addressed you by name and thanked you specifically for what you gave them or did for them, and you could tell they gave sincere thought to the message. Receiving this type of thank-you card is a fulfilling and delightful experience.
The same concept applies to your website—the more personalized your website is, the better experience your website visitors will have. For many patients, your website is the first encounter they will have with your practice. As your digital storefront, your website needs to accurately reflect you, your values, and your practice’s character.
When a potential patient searches for a hearing practice online, they want to find one that stands out from the rest. You aren’t likely to impress patients with a generic website featuring content and images that are found on hundreds of other sites. If you want your website visitor to become a patient, your website needs to stand out in a substantial way.
In addition to impressing website visitors, personalized website content can help with your search engine rankings. Search engines look for relevant, unique content, rather stock content that can be found on many other websites.
Here are three simple yet effective ways to personalize your website:

  1. Images – Add photos that are unique to your practice. These images can include photos of you, your staff, and your office. When a new patient arrives at your office, they’ll already feel familiar with you and your practice. You may also want to include some photos of you in action with patients (with their permission) so a potential patient can get a sense for how you interact with your patients.
  2. Content – Just as in the example of the thank-you card, it’s important to have unique, personalized content on your website. A great place to start is by adding your biography. Including information about your education and experience can help potential patients feel more at ease. You may also want to add more personal information, such as details about your family or hobbies, to help patients get to know you. Depending on your staff’s preferences, you might add a brief biography for each team member as well.

In the content throughout your website, be sure to keep your audience in mind and personalize the content to them and their needs. For instance, if your typical patient is over 50 years old, your content should address their common needs and preferences, rather than addressing the needs of, say, a 20-year-old.

  1. Reviews – Reviews play an important role in showcasing the high level of care you provide. Adding positive patient reviews to your website can help your website and your practice stand out from the rest. It’s a good idea to highlight a few glowing reviews right on your home page, so a new website visitor will immediately see the great experiences your patients have had with you. You may also want to dedicate a separate page of your website to patient reviews.

With these three steps, you’re well on way to creating a personalized website that conveys your practice’s unique qualities. At AudiologyPlus, we have years of experience in creating personalized websites that generate real results. To get started on personalizing your website and to learn more about how to stand out online, please contact us today.

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