The Top 5 Marketing Lessons We Learned in 2019


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As we are beginning in 2020, you are probably reviewing and reworking your marketing efforts from 2019. You can learn from both your successes and your failures—what worked and what did not. Now is the time to leave the mistakes of 2019 in the past, while bringing the successes of the year with you.
In reviewing 2019, five particular lessons in digital marketing stood out. These can be useful in driving your marketing in 2020 and beyond:

  1. The numbers don’t tell the whole story.

Of course, it is valuable and recommended to analyze data from your past marketing efforts and use that data to inform future campaigns. However, not everything can be measured in numbers.
For example, just because one social media network outperformed another doesn’t mean that the other is not useful to you—it may simply mean that you have more competition there. Numbers may show that a certain keyword campaign was not very successful, but the data does not show why it wasn’t successful. That is where you and your marketing team come in. Pay attention to more than what the numbers say.

  1. Keep a consistent brand story across channels.

Your brand should appear consistent to everyone who encounters your practice online, whether they find it on social media, your blog, your website, or a PPC ad. While you will likely need to adjust how your brand is presented for each channel, the overall story should be consistent across your marketing efforts.

  1. Your marketing strategy should be fluid and flexible.

If you have spent a lot of time and effort analyzing what works best for reaching your target audience, that’s great! You have likely found a few different tactics that work best. However, you cannot simply set this strategy in stone and walk away. Your target market is made up of real people, and people can change. Continue evaluating your audience, as well as your marketing strategy. Keep it flexible to keep up with your audience.

  1. Each social media platform is unique.

You have probably been told more than once that your practice needs to have a presence on social media. However, you cannot use the same profile and posts across all social media platforms and expect incredible results. Each social media platform is unique, and your presence there should be tailored to the platform.
For example, a post on Twitter will be different from a post on Instagram, which will be different from a post on Facebook. Make sure your message fits the platform it is published on.

  1. “Best practices” may only be a starting point.

If you have been researching “best practices” for digital marketing, you are headed in the right direction. Learning about the best ways to do things is valuable and important. Do not forget, however, that best practices can still be modified.
Use the best practice as a template, and adjust it to fit your own unique needs. These will likely change over time as you see what works best for your target market.
As you incorporate these marketing lessons into your strategy for 2020, you are certain to see success and growth. To learn more about how to boost your digital marketing strategy in 2020, we encourage you to contact AudiologyPlus today.

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