How to Continue Serving Your Patients During Lockdown


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You don’t need us to tell you that this time is unprecedented. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected individuals, families, and businesses worldwide. Although much of the population throughout the United States is under “stay at home” orders, you do not need to miss out on all of their business. During this time, you can take advantage of new technologies and strategies to continue to care for your patients and build your practice.

  • Keep communicating with your patients.

A lot of things are uncertain at this time. Do not let your patients feel uncertain about your practice.
Establish clear lines of communication to keep your patients updated on your practice and your services. You can send emails to your patient list, or call those who need more personal, direct contact for issues like canceling or changing appointments. Social media is a great way to communicate with a broad audience at once.
In addition to updating your patients about changes at your practice (such as different office hours or limited appointment types), use this opportunity to convey your care for your patients, your employees, and everyone who is suffering at this time.

  • Bring in new help.

You know that now is a time to take advantage of new technologies and avenues of productivity. However, you may also know that technology is not your strong suit. If this is the case, it might be the right time to bring in help. You may need to hire a new team member who specializes in social media, telehealth technology, or other types of remote technology.
If new weaknesses appear in your business as you adapt to this unique time, take the opportunity to fix the problem rather than becoming frustrated. Try adding new technologies or programs to your business’s repertoire to meet these new challenges.
You might also need more help from a company like AudiologyPlus, which specializes in digital marketing for hearing practices.

In most states and cities around the country, only employees who have been deemed “essential” are permitted to go to work at this time. If your team is not essential, you may be working remotely. Even if your practice is permitted to stay open, you will likely be looking for ways to cut down on the number of patients who need to come to your office. It’s likely your patients will also want to avoid going out whenever possible, unless they are experiencing an emergency situation.
Rather than missing out on the business of all of these patients and leaving them without professional care, utilize telehealth technologies. This type of health care uses telecommunication technology to allow you to meet with and care for your patients without seeing them in person. Using a laptop, tablet, or even smartphone, you can see and talk to your patients, evaluate their needs, and provide the information and care they need.
In addition to cutting down on your team’s exposure to other people, as well as limiting your patients’ exposure, you can also cut costs at this time by utilizing telehealth technology.
This time of isolation can be an opportunity for you to reach and care for your patients in new ways. If you would like to learn more about how your business can continue to succeed during this unique time, please contact us at AudiologyPlus.

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