3 Profound Ways COVID-19 Has Changed Digital Marketing

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For a moment, think about your life just one year ago. December 2019—was it different from your life in December 2020? Thanks to the global COVID-19 pandemic, it is likely that your life now looks fairly different from last year. You have probably seen changes in how you work, how you travel, how you interact with others (whether they are your friends or your patients), and almost every other aspect of your life.

With so many changes to our daily lives, it is no wonder that COVID-19 has affected marketing as well. So, do you plow forward with your marketing strategy that was established pre-COVID (and is now outdated for the changed world we live in)? Or do you scrap your marketing plans altogether?

The best answer is neither! You can still find effective ways to market your business; you simply need to take into account the changes that have impacted businesses, consumers, and the world at large in the past year. Consumers are still out there (in fact, consumer spending is booming and eCommerce sales are 30 percent higher than in 2019). Here are three big ways marketing has changed thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic and how you can make each one work for you:

  1. Take the “new normal” into account in marketing.

As mentioned above, almost everything about daily life has changed in some way due to the pandemic. Be sure to take this into account in your marketing. Adjust your messaging as needed to allow for precautions like social distancing, face coverings, travel restrictions, and more.

For example, you may be offering virtual audiology appointments and eCommerce to help limit exposure for both your patients and your staff. Highlight these options and the safety measures your practice has put in place to help patients feel at ease.

2. Truth in advertising is paramount.

In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, misinformation about the virus was rampant. Misleading information was so prevalent that companies like Facebook had to step in to remove these claims from their platforms. Due to this and other misinformation that has spread throughout the year, many consumers are now hyper-aware of the importance of truth in advertising.

As a hearing healthcare professional, your marketing likely does not focus directly on the coronavirus. However, truth is still paramount. Be sure to maintain truthful, transparent marketing messages and build trust with your audience. One way to do this is to highlight reviews from real patients. This helps potential new patients see the high level of care you provide.

3. Take advantage of local advertising opportunities.

It would be an understatement to say that COVID-19 was not the only big news story of 2020. With so much going on in the country and the world, many people have paid more attention to the news—and they are focusing on local news outlets. In a survey conducted by Pew Research, 61 percent of respondents said they were following the news about the coronavirus, with 23 percent of them saying they paid more attention to local news outlets than national ones.

With such a focus on local news, it is the perfect time for you to explore local advertising opportunities. This is ideal for a largely location-based business, like hearing health services.

Daily may have changed drastically in the past year, but these changes have brought new opportunities for digital marketing. To learn more about these changes and how you can take advantage of them to grow your business, we invite you to contact us today at AudiologyPlus. From websites and SEO to online reviews and eCommerce, we are here to meet your digital marketing needs.

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