How eCommerce Is Revolutionizing Business in the Age of COVID-19


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If you have seen the 1959 Cary Grant classic Operation Petticoat, you may remember the wisdom of Lieutenant Nick Holden: “In confusion, there is profit.” This phrase has proven to be true time and time again, and now, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we can see it being fulfilled again. In this time, a slight adjustment of the quote may be appropriate: “In crisis, there is opportunity.”
To say that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way you do business would probably be a huge understatement. However, those changes come with great opportunities. One of those opportunities lies in an aspect of business that many people thought was already well explored before COVID-19 hit. That aspect is ecommerce, or business transactions that take place online.
Gone are the days when young people dominated the ecommerce field as consumers, leaving older generations to shop in more traditional ways. Also gone is the time when consumers only looked to Amazon for ecommerce solutions. Now is the ideal time to seize upon ecommerce as a new opportunity that could yield immense profits.
Although many areas of the world are reopening in-person businesses, people remain cautious about returning to their old way of life. Many people are opting to avoid in-person shopping experiences whenever possible. This provides a perfect opportunity for you to meet your customers where they are: online.
Here are a few ways ecommerce is shifting thanks to the experiences we are dealing with due to COVID-19, as well as some tips for how you can succeed in this new business landscape:

  • Consumers want services and products that are easily accessible. Make sure that your website where your ecommerce services are hosted is easy to use and provides customers with a simple, fast transaction and a positive experience.
  • People are looking for businesses that connect with them on a personal level. This can be accomplished through content, whether on your website or in communication with your customers. Reconnect with them on a deeper level than simply trying to sell goods and services.
  • Show them how you can help solve a problem or relieve a pain point. This will set up an opportunity for a consumer to see your business as their solution. Be willing to adapt to their changing needs and grow with them.
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people reevaluated their consumption habits, their values, and how they do business. While the pandemic seems to be easing in some areas of the world, people are not returning to their old habits when it comes to consumerism. Be authentic and show your customers that you share their values. Prove to them that you are a brand they want to do business with and support. Be trustworthy.

With all of the change that has already occurred in business over the last few months, even ecommerce will likely continue to see adjustments and shifts in focus. One thing, however, is for certain: this is a business trend you do not want to miss or adopt too slowly. The time to take advantage of this opportunity is now.
To learn more about the importance of ecommerce and how it is revolutionizing business in this crucial time, we invite you to contact us today at AudiologyPlus. We look forward to hearing from you!

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