Day: March 10, 2021

Patients With Untreated Hearing Loss Incur Higher Healthcare Costs Over Time – Some Information to Easily Share

As a hearing care professional, you’re well aware of the importance of properly treating hearing loss, and you know how hearing loss can affect a person’s overall health and quality of life. However, not all patients—even those with hearing loss—share this same understanding. When you’re able to share the importance of treating hearing loss with …

Patients With Untreated Hearing Loss Incur Higher Healthcare Costs Over Time – Some Information to Easily Share Read More »

The Importance of a Personalized Website

Have you ever received a thank-you card with a message that was obviously generic? Perhaps the sender didn’t address it to you by name, or they didn’t mention what exactly they were thanking you for. This generic thank-you card probably left you feeling dissatisfied. By contrast, think of a personalized thank-you card you’ve received. The …

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3 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Impact Digital Marketing in 2019

Not long ago, artificial intelligence (AI) might have sounded like a technology that could only exist in science fiction novels and films. However, in the last few years, AI has become a reality that more and more companies are adopting to enhance their business. Before we discuss how artificial intelligence is changing digital marketing and …

3 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Impact Digital Marketing in 2019 Read More »

The 2 Things Most Practices Are Considering for Their Website

A website is a great first step in establishing your online presence and bringing in more new patients. Once your website has an appealing design, unique content, and accurate contact information, it’s time to see how you can push it further in engaging website visitors and converting them into patients. Most practices are now considering …

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What Does the End of Google+ Mean for Your Website and Reviews?

In October 2018, Google announced the end of Google+, the company’s social networking platform that debuted in 2011. Ben Smith, Google Fellow, and Vice-President of Engineering made the announcement following the revelation that a privacy bug had exposed users’ information, while also acknowledging that Google+ “has not achieved broad user or developer adoption.”[1] Google announced …

What Does the End of Google+ Mean for Your Website and Reviews? Read More »

Best Practices to Stand Out Online in Your Local Market

You likely already know how useful online marketing would be for your business and, chances are, you’ve already taken the first step by getting a website for your practice. But the question is: are local people finding it? To be competitive in your local hearing healthcare market, your website needs to not only stand out …

Best Practices to Stand Out Online in Your Local Market Read More »

Keep Your Patients Happy by Going Digital

Digital technology has revolutionized our lives on every level, from the personal to the professional. For patients, it’s also transformed the ways they research, locate, and interact with their healthcare providers. And, more importantly, it’s also changed their expectations. These days, patients are used to researching topics related to their hearing health online, finding the …

Keep Your Patients Happy by Going Digital Read More »

Outdated SEO Strategies Worth Letting Go

Over the years the ranking algorithms used by search engines like Google have changed a lot. The most recent iteration employs natural language learning and artificial intelligence with a strong emphasis on mobile search. Although algorithms are closed-guarded proprietary secrets, search engines provide free resources and guidelines on how to optimize your website’s content. Despite …

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6 Ways to Quickly Improve Your Content

Despite what your high school English teacher may have explained, great content is not rooted in excellent sentence structure and word choice—at least not online. Readers online continue to reveal their preference for content that is both informative and entertaining. Thus, the world of blogging and its lawless disregard for proper syntax, paragraphs, and liberal …

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