The Basics of Budgeting for PPC Campaigns


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If you are working on growing your business online, there are likely a lot of moving parts that go into your marketing strategy. You have your website, a blog, social media accounts, ads on social media, email marketing campaigns, and more.
You may also use PPC (pay-per-click) marketing. In this model of marketing, you can run online ads and pay when someone clicks on your ad. This can increase the traffic to your website, which can, in turn, lead to new patients visiting your practice.
While PPC seems like a straightforward (and worthwhile) concept upfront, there are a lot of smaller decisions that go into running a PPC campaign. For example, you need to choose the keywords and phrases you want to target, what time your ads will run, and how big of a budget you want to allocate to PPC.
If you have been wondering how to know what kind of budget is necessary for a successful PPC campaign, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Do some basic math.

The most basic way to determine the right monthly budget for your PPC campaign is to divide your total budget by the campaign duration. For example, if you want to spend $15,000 on PPC in the first quarter of the year, it comes out to $5,000 per month. If you want to focus more heavily on the first month of the quarter, you could increase the first month’s budget to $7,000, leaving $4,000 for each of the remaining months of the quarter.

  • Set clear goals.

Your goals do not need to be complicated. Your goal may be as simple as increasing your practice’s revenue, improving awareness of your practice brand, or driving more traffic to your website or social media pages. Once you are clear on your goals, you can better understand where to spend your budget.

  • Define targets within your goal.

You are less likely to achieve a big goal, even if it is a good goal if you do not know how to reach it. That is why you should define targets within your goal.
For example, if you want to increase your practice’s revenue by a certain amount, break down how many new patients you will need to reach that revenue goal. This will give you a target number for how many leads you want to gain from PPC and your other marketing practices. Your target should be measurable and relatively achievable, yet still challenging.

  • Evaluate your past PPC efforts.

If you have run PPC campaigns in the past, use these to inform your current efforts. If you see that certain keywords, times of day, or other tactics work best, put your money there. If you do not have any past PPC campaigns to look back on, give everything an even scope at first and keep an eye on the results.

  • Track your results.

As you start seeing results from your PPC campaign, track the data and adjust your efforts accordingly. It is most effective to keep your data all in one place, such as a spreadsheet. There are templates online you can use to track your PPC data and more easily analyze it.

  • Keep it simple.

If you get too wrapped up in the minutia of PPC and budgeting, you will easily overwhelm yourself. Stick to the basics and try not to overcomplicate it.
Another great way to simplify the process is to get the right people on your team. At AudiologyPlus, we have years of experience in marketing for hearing practices, including PPC. We are here to make your job easier by handling the details of digital marketing to make your practice even more successful.
To learn more about PPC budgeting and our other services, we invite you to contact us today at AudiologyPlus.

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