What You Need to Know About AMPs


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Odds are good that you have not heard of AMPs (accelerated mobile pages) before. And that is okay—because after all, you are a hearing specialist, not a web development or digital marketing specialist! However, that does not mean that you should ignore AMPs (or other new developments in the web world). Accelerated mobile pages can impact your online marketing strategy and success.
An accelerated mobile page is just what it sounds like—it is an accelerated version of a normal webpage that is designed to display on a mobile device. This applies to smartphones and tablets. The purpose of AMPs is to ensure that your content displays quickly and accurately on all types of devices.
Have you ever clicked on a link on your smartphone, only to have the images and text load so slowly that you eventually gave up and exited the page? Or have you encountered pages that were obviously not formatted for a mobile device, leaving you scrolling forever or unable to see certain portions of the page?
These are common problems that AMPs aim to solve. Accelerated mobile pages feature a stripped-down version of HTML web coding. The regulations for AMPs are fairly strict, with only certain types of code and features allowed. For example, forms are not allowed on AMPs, as they can slow down the page and be cumbersome on a mobile device. These restrictions ensure that accelerated mobile pages load quickly and run smoothly, no matter what type of device being used.
So, why does this matter to you? If you have a hearing practice, you should also have a website for your practice. You may already have a website, but if your pages take too long to load on a mobile device or are not optimized for mobile viewing, potential new patients may be lost.
With accelerated mobile pages, you can ensure that anyone who clicks on your links online has a smooth, fast user experience. AMPs prioritize the user experience above all, making sure that users have a positive, easy experience on your website regardless of their device or platform.
While AMPs feature a streamlined version of HTML and do not allow all types of formatting and features, that does not mean they are plain. Accelerated mobile pages can still be branded to match your existing website and ensure that website visitors have a consistent experience across all of your pages. AMPs can also still feature images, video, motion graphics, and other types of media, in addition to text content.
Although accelerated mobile pages were first introduced a couple of years ago, now is still a great time to start using them. Utilizing AMPs can streamline the user experience and ensure that your website visitors have an optimal experience on your website.
To learn more about accelerated mobile pages and to find out if adding AMPs to your marketing strategy could benefit your practice, we encourage you to contact us at AudiologyPlus today. We are here to meet all of your online marketing needs so your business can flourish.

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