Month: March 2021

Best Practices: Asking Your Patients for Online Reviews

The world of online reviews is a tricky one. Certain businesses, like restaurants and hotels, effortlessly receive dozens of reviews. Other businesses, however, can struggle to get even a few. What’s worse is that businesses rarely receiving reviews are actually more likely to get one when a customer has a negative experience. Even if a …

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GDPR and What It Means for You

Companies and websites across the globe have been updating their websites and privacy notices for months, even years, to prepare for the May 2018 enactment of the famed General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Although this law specifically protects citizens of the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA), it affects everywhere online that these …

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5 Reasons Why Digital Marketing is the Fastest Way to Grow Your Practice

Your practice deserves to thrive. As a dedicated hearing professional offering life-changing services, there’s no reason it shouldn’t — especially given the incredible number of people in need of your help. Nevertheless, many worthy practices aren’t thriving because people simply don’t know about them. In the digital age, a business listing isn’t enough — no …

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How Well Are You Ranking? A Quick SEO Self-Audit

You don’t need to be an Internet-savvy or very technical person to have a website with great visibility online. You simply need to know the most important factors for getting your website seen. This is where a solid search engine optimization (SEO) strategy comes into play — arguably, the most important element of your online …

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Marketing Your Practice in a Post-OTC Hearing Aids World

Long before the Over-the-Counter (OTC) Hearing Aid Act was signed into law last August, hearing professionals across America were hotly debating its consequences. The legislation drew support from both sides of the aisle and gained notable coverage by the media, raising awareness of both the need for hearing treatment and the potential for more affordable …

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Contact Forms: Optimize Your Approach to Patient Inquiries

Chances are your website has some version of a contact form on it. Regardless of where it’s placed on your website, contact forms make inquiring for more information streamlined and efficient for prospective patients. But the truth is, it’s easy to forget about the details around these forms. In fact, business owners often spend so …

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6 Website Traffic Metrics Worth Paying Attention To

Your website is the cornerstone of your efforts to be found by prospective patients online, and understanding how it’s performing is essential. Without analyzing the amount of traffic, page views, and patterns of user activity on your site, your marketing and content choices would essentially be a guessing game. With the ever-increasing, versatile analytics tools …

6 Website Traffic Metrics Worth Paying Attention To Read More »

How Video Can Skyrocket Your Practice’s Online Presence

Optimizing your digital marketing strategy for your hearing practice means making your website as visible as possible online. And in 2018, creating video content is one of the most effective ways for increasing your presence in the digital realm. The idea of creating video content, however, makes many people cringe. Either they don’t want to …

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