Month: March 2021

Social Media: How Important Is It To Your Business?

You have probably arrived at this article (welcome!) because you are wondering if social media is really THAT important for hearing professionals. Some questions you may ask yourself include: Why is Social Media Marketing so important for my Hearing Clinic?  If I do it myself, am I sharing the right content?  If I pay someone to do it, are …

Social Media: How Important Is It To Your Business? Read More »

E-Commerce Is a MUST for Hearing Health Professionals

What do you think of when you consider e-commerce? Your first thought is probably of e-commerce giants like Amazon. However, e-commerce is an important business opportunity not only for sites like Amazon,, and, but also for hearing health professionals like you. In fact, e-commerce should not be regarded as simply a good opportunity …

E-Commerce Is a MUST for Hearing Health Professionals Read More »

The Pandemic Forced a Shift in Consumer Behavior

As a business owner, you know that due to the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, it has not been “business as usual” for nearly a year. With widespread lockdowns across the world, consumers and businesses alike have had to increasingly turn to digital solutions. This can be seen in lifestyle shifts like increased usage of meal delivery …

The Pandemic Forced a Shift in Consumer Behavior Read More »

Growth Mindset Versus Fixed Mindset in Audiology: How Your Attitude Affects Your Potential

“If you imagine less, less will be what you undoubtedly deserve” – Debbie Millman In recent years, modern psychology has shown how belief systems about our own abilities can fuel our behavior and predict our success. Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck synthesized in her book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, that the power of our beliefs (both conscious …

Growth Mindset Versus Fixed Mindset in Audiology: How Your Attitude Affects Your Potential Read More »

How Digital Communication Plays an Essential Role in Lasting Consumer Relationships

The ways you do business, care for your patients, and market your practice have all changed over the last 9 months, thanks to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. While some of these changes might be temporary, such as travel restrictions or local lockdowns, others are not. The pandemic has forever changed the way businesses market their …

How Digital Communication Plays an Essential Role in Lasting Consumer Relationships Read More »

3 Profound Ways COVID-19 Has Changed Digital Marketing

For a moment, think about your life just one year ago. December 2019—was it different from your life in December 2020? Thanks to the global COVID-19 pandemic, it is likely that your life now looks fairly different from last year. You have probably seen changes in how you work, how you travel, how you interact …

3 Profound Ways COVID-19 Has Changed Digital Marketing Read More »

The Necessity of Responsive Design & Virtual Options

As a hearing professional, you have a lot on your plate—especially now. Of course, your top priority is still to provide the best possible care for your patients. You are also likely looking to grow your practice and attract new patients. As the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic continues and people continue to learn how to navigate …

The Necessity of Responsive Design & Virtual Options Read More »

How eCommerce Will Grow Your Audiology Practice

eCommerce is short for “electronic commerce,” which is the buying and selling of goods (or services) on the internet. So, put simply, eCommerce = growth. According to eCommerce expert Gary Hoover, his research shows that just in the last 14 years, the growth of ecommerce companies has skyrocketed across the board. And it doesn’t stop …

How eCommerce Will Grow Your Audiology Practice Read More »