Premium Hearing Care

4 Steps to Leverage Your Google Business Profile for More Walk-In Patients

As you probably know by now, the days of Google Plus have ended. If you had a Google Plus page for your business, it has been shut down. However, that does not mean that your business cannot use Google to connect with potential new patients. With a Google Business Profile (GBP), your business can engage …

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The Importance of Person-Centered Hearing Care

In your profession as an audiologist, your greatest priority is ensuring high-quality patient care that leaves patients satisfied and happy. However, in running your practice, you also recognize that in order for your office to succeed, you need to get paid (and pay your staff) as well. In addition, your team members need to feel …

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Helping Your Patients Improve Hearing Aid Management

As an audiologist, you deal with hearing aids every day. You are familiar with how they work, how to maintain them, and how to program them. You are likely knowledgeable on more than just the technical aspects of hearing aid use – you also understand that many patients have an emotional and mental adjustment period …

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What Is Search Intent, and How Does It Affect Online Marketing?

In the past, you might have considered your target audience’s demographics when creating marketing campaigns. How old is your ideal new patient? Are your patient demographics skewed towards a certain gender, race, ethnicity, or economic status? All of these demographic factors could have been considered in crafting your perfect marketing strategy. Nowadays, however, online search …

What Is Search Intent, and How Does It Affect Online Marketing? Read More »

Will the Availability of Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids Disrupt the Field of Audiology?

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past couple of years, you know that over-the-counter hearing aids will become available in 2020. This has been a major topic of discussion in the field of audiology over recent years, and the discussion only continues to heat up as the reality of over-the-counter hearing …

Will the Availability of Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids Disrupt the Field of Audiology? Read More »

Small Business Advertising Trends: What’s Winning in 2019

As an audiologist, you run your own small business. While audiology and other healthcare fields are a bit different from other types of businesses, the same advertising trends and recommendations still apply. And the truth is that small business advertising and marketing change every year. So, here are the top small business trends to be …

Small Business Advertising Trends: What’s Winning in 2019 Read More »

The Gap & Necessity of Counseling Skills in Audiology

As an audiologist, you focus on helping people who experience hearing loss and other hearing disorders. For many patients, treatment includes being fitted with a hearing device. Because so many patients use hearing devices, it can be easy to focus on the technological aspects of your patients’ care. However, recent research has shown that this …

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Google Has Launched Two New Features for Android Phones For Hearing-Impaired Users

Whether you are an Android user or iPhone user (or a user of yet another brand of phone), you know that every phone brand is constantly adding new features and updates to outdo one another. It has become common to hear about new cameras, new phone sizes, new operating systems, and more. Google has recently …

Google Has Launched Two New Features for Android Phones For Hearing-Impaired Users Read More »

Personalization in Marketing: What You Need to Know

Just like audiology, digital marketing is an ever-changing field that requires professionals to keep up with the latest trends in order to stay at the top of their game. Although most digital marketing professionals are aware of personalization and how it relates to digital marketing and customer experiences, a gap remains between what a customer …

Personalization in Marketing: What You Need to Know Read More »