Premium Hearing Care

Contact Forms: Optimize Your Approach to Patient Inquiries

Chances are your website has some version of a contact form on it. Regardless of where it’s placed on your website, contact forms make inquiring for more information streamlined and efficient for prospective patients. But the truth is, it’s easy to forget about the details around these forms. In fact, business owners often spend so …

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6 Website Traffic Metrics Worth Paying Attention To

Your website is the cornerstone of your efforts to be found by prospective patients online, and understanding how it’s performing is essential. Without analyzing the amount of traffic, page views, and patterns of user activity on your site, your marketing and content choices would essentially be a guessing game. With the ever-increasing, versatile analytics tools …

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How Video Can Skyrocket Your Practice’s Online Presence

Optimizing your digital marketing strategy for your hearing practice means making your website as visible as possible online. And in 2018, creating video content is one of the most effective ways for increasing your presence in the digital realm. The idea of creating video content, however, makes many people cringe. Either they don’t want to …

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5 Best Practices for Marketing Your Hearing Practice with Social Media

Few hearing healthcare practices are without a website, but many have yet to create an effective presence on social media. Being active on outlets like Facebook or Twitter might seem overwhelming for an already-busy practice owner, but avoiding social media for your business means losing out on a valuable, low-cost opportunity. The truth is, social …

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Boost Your Practice by Guest Blogging

Blogging is one of the most accessible and cost-effective ways to naturally boost your website’s visibility online, but few hearing professionals take the time to maximize their blogging potential. We know that businesses that blog gain at least 67% more leads to their websites than those that don’t, so there’s little debate about the value …

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Top Marketing Mistakes to Avoid in Your Hearing Practice

The hearing healthcare industry is experiencing rapid growth, with expansion expected to continue for at least another 6-8 years. Many factors account for this growth, including a rising awareness of hearing loss detection and treatment options, but much of it can be attributed to the increasing size of older populations throughout the country. As more Baby Boomers …

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Top Digital Strategies for Impressive Patient Retention

Getting new patients through your doors takes hard work, time, creativity and yes—money. In fact, the average cost per acquisition (CPA) for the hearing industry falls between $256 and $450 per new patient, depending on practice location. Given the amount of resources that go into growing your patient base, it’s easy to see why the …

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Critical Pages Every Hearing Practice Website Should Have

As a hearing practice, there are certain details you can anticipate visitors to your website will be interested in knowing. Information about your business, like hours of operation and location, are the most obvious, while the details about the services your office provides and the care providers themselves typically make the list next. But after …

Critical Pages Every Hearing Practice Website Should Have Read More »