
Online Reviews & Their Role in Your Practice

Shopping online has become a popular practice, with everything from groceries to furniture being available for online purchase and next-day delivery. The rapid rise of online purchases even has some experts warning of the complete extinction of brick and mortar stores in the not-too-distant future. Dire predictions aside, it’s hard to deny the usefulness of …

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Digital Marketing Trends for Healthcare Practices

  The relationship between patient and healthcare provider has been an eternally evolving one. The changes to this dynamic in the last decade, however, have completely transformed it. Never before have patients come so equipped with information (accurate or not) to their appointments. And never before have health providers been so poised to market themselves …

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Using Blogs to Boost Your Practice

As a healthcare practice that’s recognized the importance of being online in order to thrive as a business, you’ve likely also learned how imperative it is that your website is actually seen by potential patients searching for services like yours. Simply put: there’s little use for a beautifully designed website that’s effectively invisible. Making sure …

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Essential Digital Marketing Terms You Should Know

Understanding the importance of digital marketing these days is simple: because the majority of consumers today are online, it is vital that you market your business online so you are in front of where consumers are, and they can see you. However, understanding the terms associated with digital marketing can be a little challenging at …

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Five Key Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Mobile Responsive Web Site

If you think you don’t need a web site that is mobile responsive, think again. Most consumers today have a smartphone, which they actively use to browse the internet. Yet, it’s a message that still bears repeating. Positioning your business where your customers are is crucial for any business. Let’s take a look at this …

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Choose Wisely: How Keywords Can Make or Break Your Online Presence

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could tailor your website’s content and marketing strategy down to the very words your target market is already using? Even better—imagine you could identify the words and phrases used most frequently by those interested in hearing health? This kind of information would enable you to specifically target potential patients …

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